Sunday, September 30, 2007

And we're back...

To catch you up on Tommy's exciting week now that the camera works again

Tommy had a great birthday, and we're all looking forward to his party next weekend. He had his one year doctor visit on Wednesday, and it was quite a big day. He's 50th percentile for weight and height, but 97th for head. This has been the norm for most of his appts, so the doc said not to worry, it's familial. Super, we all have big heads. Tommy got his 4 shots, his finger pricked and then went to daycare and was bitten by his buddy twice in the head. It wasn't his favorite day. Oh, and we found out that Tommy had an ear infection - #8. I thought he was fine - runny nose, but sleeping great. I think Tommy has just grown accustomed to having ear infections, poor guy. So everyone say little prayer that this is his last for a while!

We're getting settled in at the new house, working on doing more Tommy-proofing and just enjoying the fall. Now if we could just sell the other house! Here are more photos from the big birthday week - enjoy!
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1 comment:

becky said...

So glad that the camera is working again! (Even though we got to see Tommy, I still need a hit of cuteness every now and then at work, you know?)

Love the jazz hands on the first photo. :o)

Madeline kept saying, "Back to Tommy's house" after we left. Poor peanut - she already misses her little buddy. Thanks for the fun on Saturday!