Sunday, September 30, 2007

And we're back...

To catch you up on Tommy's exciting week now that the camera works again

Tommy had a great birthday, and we're all looking forward to his party next weekend. He had his one year doctor visit on Wednesday, and it was quite a big day. He's 50th percentile for weight and height, but 97th for head. This has been the norm for most of his appts, so the doc said not to worry, it's familial. Super, we all have big heads. Tommy got his 4 shots, his finger pricked and then went to daycare and was bitten by his buddy twice in the head. It wasn't his favorite day. Oh, and we found out that Tommy had an ear infection - #8. I thought he was fine - runny nose, but sleeping great. I think Tommy has just grown accustomed to having ear infections, poor guy. So everyone say little prayer that this is his last for a while!

We're getting settled in at the new house, working on doing more Tommy-proofing and just enjoying the fall. Now if we could just sell the other house! Here are more photos from the big birthday week - enjoy!
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday Tommy!

Today is Tommy's 1st Birthday!
What a big day - he's wearing his 1st Birthday Boy t-shirt and a big Happy Birthday message is written all over the windows at daycare. What a lucky guy! I can't believe he is already one. What a wonderful, FAST and exciting first year. We have learned so much, and grown so much together as a family. It's hard to remember life-before-Tommy... we have so much love for him. What did we do with all of that love before?? It just shows how much love the human heart is capable of - it is endless. A year ago right now, I was in the last 15 minutes of pushing, and I had no idea how much my life was about to change. Yes, I knew I was going to be caring for a baby soon, and that we'd be parents, but nothing could prepare me for the heart-swelling emotion I felt when the doctor laid Tommy on my chest. I'll never forget it. Parenthood is such a blessing, yet so much work - and worth every ounce. Tommy - we love you so much - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
ps... I'm having camera/computer problems, so you'll have to wait for the adorable photos I took of him this morning in his bday outfit. I'm bummed.

Monday, September 24, 2007

One year ago today...

One year ago today, I was HUGE.
But a year ago tomorrow, I was the happiest new mom in the world!
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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Many firsts lately!

The most exciting 'first' of course was the walking... but I thought I'd add pictures of a few more big events for Tommy lately. Some are 'firsts' - others are just cute photos I thought you'd all enjoy. Tommy's first haircut - before.....During..... towards the end - he really did very well until he realized everyone was looking at him. After - we might not have been his favorite people, but he looked so cute!
Cute photo of Daddy and Tommy after his big haircut
Big trip to the park with Aunt Sandy and Cousin Katie
Tommy LOVES fans. Seriously, LOVES them.

Playdate on Labor Day with Madeline Parker - and we had lunch with Becky and Dave. Thanks for coming Parkers!
First trip to the Minnesota State Fair!
First Gopher Football Game!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Tommy Is Walking

He fought through a cold that kept him at home for a day and decided to take some steps. Sarah and I are calling the steps taken this morning his first. This video was taken before bedtime.