Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I missed May...

I know I missed May - oops. We were busy, and took plenty of cute pictures but the blogging just didn't keep up. But I'm making up for it! There are quite a few new posts tonight... and we'll see if I stop anytime soon. Some updates on Tommy - another fun item he learned at daycare: he never started saying no, he just skipped ahead to saying "No way". He's also started saying things like water, bubbles, mow, outside, baby, and Ernie. He knows many animal sounds, and most of his daycare teacher's names - especially Sheila and Hana. I love when he repeats what I say, however surprised I may be at the time. He loves to be outside and enjoys trying to drink from a regular cup. He's learned to give kisses, which melt my heart every time. I could go on and on... but check out the blogs below and I'll try to keep up with my blogging!

Minnesota's 150th Birthday

We celebrated by visiting the Capitol for the big Party! It was extra interesting because the Legislature was in Session that day, and we got to climb up to the roof to see the Golden Horses!

Who needs toys...

...when we have huge furniture boxes and Daddy's muddy boots! We also had a lot of mud in the backyard, but I didn't let him linger in that long enough to take a picture. We're in the midst of a landscaping project, and we'll post after-pictures when its done.

Katie graduates Daycare... and Cake!

Our niece Katie graduated from daycare this spring, with 4 other preschoolers, and the whole place partied. This meant that Tommy's room, the toddlers, got cake. 12 toddlers with cake - his teachers are saints, or crazy.
Katie is in the middle - Congrats Katie! We'll miss having you at daycare this fall.

Tommy mostly likes frosting. Other toddlers were cleaner, but many were much worse. Adorable.

Kansas City!

The Larsens visited the Rasks for Memorial Day Weekend this year. The drive was smooth, the weather was warm, and the company was fabulous! Tommy even warmed up to Zee (their dog) after a few days, and his new favorite word for many, many days was puppy. Sarah and I took the boys to Jiggle Jam one day, which was a huge festival filled with strollers, bubbles, corn dogs and diapers - and it was fun! The boys golfed, of course and there was a lot of commiserating as usual. Thanks to Kevin, Sarah, Tony and Zee for being such wonderful hosts! Here are some highlights. There is also a video of Tommy and Zee - go to the link at the right for "YouTube stuff from us" and look for Tommy Pets a Dog. Makes me laugh everytime.

Jiggle Jam was HOT, and Tommy didn't exactly acclimate quickly... but....

The huge area of fountains and screaming wet kids helped that alot! And I love this picture of Tommy's cute minnesota-hued belly, which matches my arm. Part of the reason the belly looks fair is because of all the sunscreen I slathered on!

Tony and Sarah

He does like gelato!

The planting of the Friendship Bush.