Thursday, March 29, 2007

Tommy's 6 month appointment

Here are his stats:

17 pounds 14 ounces = 50th percentile
27.5 inches long = 70th percentile
head is 18 inches around = 95th percentile!

Doc said all looks good. Still working on getting rid of his ear infection and his nasty cough, and we are still adding solids slowly. Only veggies so far, and green beans are NOT a favorite. Tommy is sitting really well on his own! He loves his toys, being sung to and being tickled lately. He is making more sounds too - a favorite of mine is mamamamama... go figure. He isn't exactly waving, but he sure does pump his entire left arm when he gets excited! The changes are amazing, and so fun to watch. What a little love muffin!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Separated by Thirty-one Years

(Dean, Sandy, Mike)
(Ricky, Katie, Tommy)

Ricky is Dean's, Katie belongs to Sandy, and Tommy to Mike

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Happy 6 Months to Thomas Spencer!

Tommy is a whopping 6 months old today! We celebrated by going for a long walk and going to the park for the first time, which as you can tell by the picture, was fun for daddy but Tommy napped. We also went out for dinner, and Tommy napped through that too. He's a big happy boy though - babbling away, getting better at sitting every day, loves his toes and his toys and is starting to give really good hugs! These 6 months have been exhaustingly wonderful and we are SO blessed with our Tommy!

Tommy and Marissa

Mike and I went to visit Jess and John Kostka on Saturday. Tommy and Marissa were hanging out together, teaching each other some Babywise, and we caught it on film. As you can see, much like her mom and dad, Marissa can't peel her eyes off the hockey game :) and as usual, Tommy is hamming it up for the camera. Playing together mostly consisted of Tommy tugging at Marissa like he does at his toys, so we'll give them a few more months. We had a great time - thank you Kostkas!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Still cute, still sick

Back to the doctor today to check on Tommy's cough and breathing, and nothing serious is happening which is a huge relief. Just a good ol' lousy respiratory and ear infection. But Grandma Shirley and I did find out why we get so tired - Tommy weighs in at 17 pounds 6 ounces... explains my aching back! Daddy will be back tomorrow night, and we are looking forward to it! I am SO grateful to my mom for helping out this week - absolutely couldn't have done it without her. THANK YOU!

Monday, March 19, 2007

All is well in Palm Springs

The airport on the way out was a zoo. Why didn't I remember Spring Breakers would be flooding the airport. It was hot, too hot, on Saturday. The temperature was close to 100. It has since cooled to a comfortable level. Enough about traffic and weather...

I'm missing Tommy and Sarah. I'm glad Sarah's mom, Shirley, is helping while I'm gone.


Still a cutie pie...

Even with his cough and ear infection! Ok, this picture is actually from over a week ago, but Tommy is still a cutie. He had a bit of a rough weekend fighting a cold, and now it has turned into an ear infection and a nasty wet cough, but we are trying to get through it with smiles! Grandma is with us this week, as Daddy is golfing and mapping in Palm Springs. Tommy says Hi Daddy! We miss you!!!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Sweet potato heaven!

This was last Friday - dinner time is much more interesting for Tommy now that he gets more than plain rice cereal. Feeding him is much more interesting too!

Mike's Birthday (Dean's too)

Mike turned another year older this weekend, and the Larsen and Henderson families gathered to celebrate. Good times had by all - Tommy had quality time with all his favorite family, and was particularly precious all weekend.

First week at Daycare

Tommy had his first week of daycare last week. After some adjusting, things are going pretty well! I even survived, although I felt like I ran 7 marathons by the time the weekend rolled around. I missed my little guy so much!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Tommy's favorite toy - a Whoozit

Tommy's favorite toy - a Whoozit - was a gift from Nick and Lindsey.

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