Sunday, July 01, 2007

He's mobile!

Our life has officially changed again - Tommy has figured out how to get around. I'm not sure if you can call it crawling yet, but he's on his way. He pulls himself along with his hands/arms, and pushes off with his feet. Mostly his big toes. It's pretty fun to watch. Until he gets over to things that we haven't babyproofed. It really makes me look at our house in a whole new way!

Also - Mike, Tommy and I would like to welcome little Luke David to the world, new son of our friends Candy and Blake. Congrats guys - can't wait to meet him!
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becky said...

Go Tommy go!!!

So excited to hear about this new stage. Watch out, world!

Jessica said...

I am so excited for Tommy! I bet he is going to start crawling fast really soon. Have fun!