Monday, January 29, 2007

Tommy's 4 month Appointment

Tommy had his 4-month Doctor's Appointment this morning, and all went well. Dr. Bodine said Tommy is doing great. Tommy had just fallen asleep when the nurse came in to give him his 4 shots - nothing like getting roused from a nap for shots!
Weight: 16 pounds, 1/2 ounce, 75%
Length: 25 3/4 inches, 75%
Head: 17 inches, 75-90%

He's looking good! We have the go-ahead to start rice cereal sometime in the next few months, when we think he's ready. We'll make sure to take photos!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I bet he was mad about those shots! I'm sure he's forgotten all about them by now, though. Thank goodness they don't remember that at this age!