Monday, November 27, 2006

2 Month Doctor's Appointment

Tommy had his big 2 month doctor's appointment today! Here are his new stats:
Weight: 14 pounds, 1/2 ounce (90-95 percentile)
Height: 24" (75-90 percentile)
Head: 16 5/8" (95 percentile)
He's a Big Boy!
Tommy had 4 shots, and I've never heard that kind of screaming from him, but it was over in a minute, and he calmed down very well. He's been sleeping ever since. Such a good boy! Dr. Bodine said Tommy is doing great, he checked him out thoroughly, we asked all of our questions, and everything is right on track. When Dr. Bodine was looking in Tommy's ears, Tommy grabbed a tongue depressor from his pocket, and basically handed it to the doc. It was pretty adorable - especially because it was the next thing the doctor needed to use. Tommy is just a good helper already!
The other big news - Tommy slept 8.5 hours uninterrupted last night. Woohoooooo!!!! He's had a few nights of 6-7 hours in the past week, but this is a new record. Pray that it continues!
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!


Katie said...

So has the good sleeping lasted? Tommy will catch up with Bennett soon- he was 18 lb, 12+ oz at his 9 month appointment on Monday!

slarsen said...

The sleeping is going alright! Not as good as the 8.5 hours... but 6-7 in a row pretty consistently. Tommy has quite the cold right now (so do I) so the sleep patterns are a tad off. Not too bad though!